Cycle Breakers and Traumatic Grief
Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody

Cycle Breakers and Traumatic Grief

Examples of traumatic grief cycle breakers experience. Cycle breakers experience deep grief on their journeys to learning how to heal and support themselves. It’s often complicated grief that involves recognizing the depth of what has been lost. This includes what was lost in the past, what isn’t accessible in the present, and what the future has lost. This kind of grief isn’t necessarily about losing someone who has died. It’s about losing relationships, losing your childhood, losing certain hopes for the future, and reckoning with the reality of what is true.

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Cycle Breakers and Planting Sustainable Seeds 
Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody

Cycle Breakers and Planting Sustainable Seeds 

Being a cycle breaker is painful and lonely. There are periods of massive self-doubt and not knowing what the right thing to do is. For example, what do you do when you’ve emotionally outgrown your current space? How do you know what seeds to plant that will help you grow and thrive? How do you know that the seeds you plant are sustainable? Cycle breakers are having to break away from their family norms and unlearn what was modeled to them by learning brand new ways to operate. This could mean learning to set boundaries, learning how to support and take care of themselves, and learning how to move past the trauma of their past so generational cycles don’t repeat themselves.

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What is C-PTSD?
Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody Cycle Breaking Hanna Woody

What is C-PTSD?

C-PTSD is a form of PTSD that results from a person (especially a child) experiencing inescapable trauma over an extended period of time. This trauma is often inflicted by family members or communities that either abuse them directly or do not protect them from abuse. The abuse is ongoing and creates an environment that is lacking in safety. What can cause C-PTSD?

Witnessing domestic violence

Sexual Abuse


Emotional Abuse

Physical Abuse

Religious Trauma


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