Enneagram Training

Professional Training for Organizations and Businesses

The Enneagram is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever come across to implement personal and group change.  It’s like having a road map to understand yourself and the people you interact with every day.  Investing in Enneagram training will improve your team's ability to effectively communicate with each other and resolve problems.  It will help your team understand one another on a deeper level so that everyone can work together more effectively.  It increases perspective taking, compassion, and social-emotional awareness.  Team members will learn how their personality type can be their greatest strength and how it can get in their way. 

“I’m so grateful to know that my supervisor is a 1. Before, I used to feel judged and thought that she didn’t trust me to make the right decisions. Now that I understand more about Enneagram 1s, I know not to take that personally. She’s scared of making mistakes just like I am. I can relate to that and I feel like I have a better idea of how to respond so we can understand each other.”

“I realized that I’ve been taking on too much because I’m not actually telling people no. I don’t want to make anyone mad, but I see now how avoiding conflict is making things worse.”

“I didn’t realize that others are intimated by me. I don’t want them to feel like they can’t come to me with problems.”

“I have so much more compassion for everyone! I always assume others are thinking the same way that I am, and I realize that’s not at all the case.”

Who Do You Work With?

I provide in person training for organizations, businesses, and groups.  Trainings range from 2 hour introductions to 3 day workshops. 

I work well with teams that: 

  • Know the value of investing in the health and well-being of their team.

  • Desire to strengthen their relational leadership skills. 

  • Value diversity and are committed to supporting their teams to address social justice issues of inclusivity including racism, homophobia, and sexism. 

How Do I Learn More?

The first step is to schedule a free consultation with me.  I'd like to learn more about your team’s current dynamics and your goals.  We can discuss incorporating specific areas such as mental health, reducing stress, or communication skills.  I will answer any questions you have about Enneagram training and we will determine whether working together is a good fit.  I look forward to hearing from you!